Role of Sulfur in Potato Growth | Protassium+®


Why Sulfur is Vital

Often referred to as the fourth macronutrient, sulfur helps support plant functions that can affect yield, quality and marketability. Recent sulfur deficiencies point to the need to replenish the nutrient to help encourage more profitable results.

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Plant Health

The Role of Sulfur

In potato plants, adequate sulfur helps with:

  • Nutrient uptake and chlorophyll production
  • Seed development
  • Stress and pest resistance
  • Carbohydrate formation and vitamin synthesis

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The Importance of Sulfate Sulfur

Plant roots can only absorb sulfur when it is in the sulfate form (SO4 ). Elemental and organic sulfur need to be oxidized into the sulfate form, a process that takes considerable time, correct temperatures, and adequate moisture. The sulfur in Protassium+® premium sulfate of potash (SOP) is in the sulfate form and is immediately available for uptake and use by plants.


Avoiding Deficiency

The Elevated Need for Sulfur in Potatoes

Sulfur deficiencies have become more common in recent years due to a number of factors. Signs of sulfur deficiency in potato plants can include upward curving of the leaves or the plant turning a lighter green to yellow color. Deficient sulfur levels can result in poor crop growth, delayed maturity and spindly plants.