

The Importance of K

Potassium (K) is critical to the quality and yield of melons. From cantaloupes, watermelons and cucumbers to squash, gourds and more, K source influences everything from fruit size to shelf life, and impacts melon production and profit from field to market.

High K

The Need for Nutrients

Potassium plays an important role in fruit size, soluble solids and ascorbic acid concentrations. In addition, color, skin durability and shelf life are all directly related to sufficient potassium levels as well. Protassium+® premium sulfate of potash (SOP) supplies the K melon plants need for growth, drought resistance and fruit quality.

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The Benefit of Sulfate Sulfur

In addition to potassium, sulfur is needed for protein synthesis within the melon plant. Protassium+ SOP is made up of 17% sulfate sulfur. Unlike elemental sulfur, which takes significant time, correct temperature and water to oxidize into an agronomically usable form, sulfate sulfur is readily available for melons, allowing for immediate uptake and use by the plant.

Cucurbits, such as cucumbers, can remove 66 lbs. of K2O for every 10 tons of fruit produced.

Quality & Yield

Avoiding a K Deficiency

A potassium deficiency can steal profit from your melon crop. Detecting a deficiency can be accomplished by leaf tissue sampling or soil sampling. It’s important to keep in mind, a satisfactory soil sample may be deceiving because magnesium and calcium can monopolize the binding sites and block uptake of potassium. This can result in a deficiency within the plant because the K is not allowed to make its way to where it is needed in the plant. By identifying a deficiency with a leaf tissue sample, a foliar application can then be employed to increase levels of K in the plant.