

The Importance of K

Potassium plays a vital role in enhancing the quality of specialty crops. From improving flavor and appearance to helping plants resist disease, potassium is key for a successful fertility and production program. Protassium+® premium sulfate of potash (SOP) is an excellent dual-nutrient source of potassium and sulfate sulfur for specialty crops.

High K + More

Benefits of Protassium+ SOP

Protassium+ fertilizer is a dual nutrient source that provides 50% K2O and 17% sulfur in the sulfate form. In addition, Protassium+ SOP has an extremely low chloride content. Its high potassium level benefits specialty crops in a variety of ways including:

  • Aiding in the transport of sugars
  • Helping with stomata function
  • Enhancing skin set, color and taste
  • Improving the plant's ability to resist disease
  • Aiding the flower's ability to resist frost

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The Importance of Sulfate Sulfur

A sulfur deficiency in plants can cause slow growth, delayed maturity and yellowing. Protassium+ fertilizer provides 17% sulfate sulfur which is immediately available for uptake and use by a plant. Other products typically contain elemental sulfur, which needs significant time, adequate temperature and moisture before it can be oxidized into a more plant-available form. The sulfate sulfur of Protassium+ SOP is essential for:

  • Promoting the production of enzymes, vitamins and proteins
  • Aiding photosynthesis and chlorophyll production
  • Enhancing seed production and root growth
  • Boosting the plant’s ability to resist temperature stress

K2O enhances skin set, color and taste of specialty vegetables.

Avoid the Burn

Chloride and Salt Sensitivity

Chloride and salinity can pose serious problems for many specialty crops. Chloride will compete against other nutrients at the uptake sites in the plant's root zone, preventing the uptake of other key nutrients. Additionally, high soil salinity can be a contributing factor to potassium deficiencies. Fortunately, Protassium+ premium sulfate of potash contains less than 1% chloride, compared to other potassium sources like muriate of potash (KCl) which contains 47% chloride. A high chloride content can be detrimental to plants by contributing to:

  • Poor germination
  • Nutritional imbalances
  • Seedling injury and "Tip Burn"
  • Stunted root and shoot growth
  • Reduced soil structure and decreased microbial activity