Why Almonds Trees Need Potassium & Sulfur | Protassium+®

High K

The Need for Potassium

Having adequate potassium (K) is critically important for a successful almond crop because its impact includes:

  • Improving the tree’s water use from roots to shoots through regulation of photosynthesis and transpiration
  • Promoting nutrient uptake, early growth, root growth, increased kernel/fruit size and overall plant health
  • Improving stomata function through cell turgor, reducing water loss and wilting
  • Helping decrease the degree of crop damage from disease and pest pressures

In almonds, there is a high depletion rate of potassium (K) from the soil. Almond trees can remove as much as 55 lbs. of potassium from the soil per 1,000 lbs. of nuts produced1.

Potassium needs to be replenished to optimize tree health and help ensure consistent almond yields year after year.

Skipping a potash application in the fall can deprive almond trees of vital nutrients they need for strong growth and development throughout the spring. Once they're below adequate levels of potassium, it can take those trees years to rebuild proper leaf K concentrations to optimal balance. 

Worse yet, attempting to compensate with heavy application of some other potassium sources in the spring can lead to leaf damage and even potential yield loss. That's especially true if you apply fertilizers high in salt or chloride.

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Keep in Mind

Sulfur Considerations

A sulfur deficiency in the soil can cause slow growth rates, yellowing leaves, lower fruit production and more. Unfortunately, sulfur deficiencies are becoming more common, so growers must be aware of the need to replace sulfur on a regular basis.

Sulfate, the plant-available form of sulfur, plays an important role in enhancing vital protein synthesis in almond trees. Sulfur is also  important for:

  • Promoting enzyme activity
  • Filling the role of a key component of some vitamins, such as vitamin A
  • Maintaining a proper nitrogen to sulfur ratio in the plant

Protassium+® premium sulfate of potash fertilizer gives your trees the double benefit of sulfate of potash that's naturally low in chloride, plus 17% sulfate sulfur built-in. 

1 E.J. Reidel, P.H. Brown, R.A. Duncan, S.A. Weinbaum, Almond Productivity as Related to Tissue Potassium. Better Crops/Vol. 85, 2001, No. 3 Adapted from Edstrom et al., 2008