Role of Potassium & Sulfur in Alfalfa | Protassium+®

High K

The Need for Potassium

Potassium is important for supporting the physiological development of an alfalfa stand by fostering the activation of over 60 plant enzymes. Additionally, potassium is responsible for: 

  • Maintaining optimal water use through regulation of photosynthesis and transpiration.
  • Stimulating nutrient uptake, promoting early growth and improving plant function.
  • Augmenting stomata function through cell turgor, reducing water loss and wilting.
  • Maximizing overall plant health and the crop's ability to withstand disease and drought stress.
  • Boosting winter hardiness and stand longevity.

A lack of potassium can result in plants that fail to reach their full potential. Signs of a deficiency include leaf tip burn -- small white or yellowish spots that first appear around the outer edges of older leaves.

Growing one ton of alfalfa typically removes about 60 pounds of potassium from the soil. Potassium (K) is an essential nutrient, so it needs to be replenished in order to ensure future yield and forage quality. 

Recent studies suggest that many growers aren't applying enough potassium to keep up with crop removal of this key nutrient.

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Growing Deficiencies

The Need for Sulfur

Sulfur helps support plant functions that can affect yield, quality and marketability.

Sulfur deficiencies have become common in recent years for a number of reasons, such as stricter air quality standards lowering sulfur emissions, more intensive crop production and greater use of sulfur-free nitrogen or phosphorus fertilizers.

Signs of sulfur deficiency in plants can range from the plant turning a lighter green color to a yellowing and upward curving of the leaves. Slowed growth rates, delayed maturity, and spindly plants can be a result. 

Offering 17% sulfate sulfur, Protassium+® premium sulfate of potash brings more to the table when it comes to avoiding sulfur deficiencies and fostering the growth of high-quality alfalfa.