High Potassium Fertilizer for Crops | Protassium+®


An Essential Macronutrient

Potassium (K) is one of the three essential macronutrients, along with nitrogen and phosphorus. Potassium is vital for a plant to resist drought and disease as well as for promoting healthy growth. Your crops need proper potassium levels to assure quality, appearance, overall yield and harvest success.

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Fostering Growth

The Role of Potassium

Potassium is required for supporting the physiological development of a crop by activating over 80 plant enzymes. Additionally, potassium is responsible for:

  • Improving plants' water use through regulation of photosynthesis and transpiration
  • Enhancing nitrogen use and increasing protein production
  • Boosting overall plant health and the crop's ability to withstand disease, pests and drought stress

Symptoms of a potassium deficiency in plants can include curling leaf tips, interveinal chlorosis, marginal scorch bronzing and spots on the under surface of leaves.


The Elevated Need for Potassium in Plants

Some plants take up potassium more than any other nutrient. For that reason, effective fertility programs need to consider K replenishment rates that are at least adequate to replace the amounts of potassium removed by the crop. Otherwise you risk longer-term soil depletion which can impact later yields.

A reduction in potassium application for cost concerns may appear attractive in the short term, but the long-term effect may end up costing you much more.

On the other hand, correcting a potassium soil deficiency can quickly add up to more than what you saved by skipping an application, when you factor in the yield advantage of effective fertilization. 



A Rich Source of Potassium

Protassium+® premium sulfate of potash (SOP) is a 100% natural source of the vital potassium that plants need for optimal growth and development. Unlike other K sources, Protassium+ SOP:

  • Is a unique, rich, dual-nutrient that provides balanced amounts of potassium and sulfur in the sulfate form, without the unnecessary nutrients found in some alternatives
  • Contains virtually no chloride, which in excess can weaken stands and injure young plants
  • Has the lowest salt index of all major potassium sources, helping to minimize the damage that salt can do to plants and soil systems


1 Adapted from Better Crops with Plant Food. Vol. 94. Issue No. 4, 2010. Reference #10134/Nov. 2010